This blog has outlived its usefulness. It will, however, continue to stand here as a reminder of why it's hideously disgusting to lie to your friends, cheat, and stab people in the back - and run anonymous blogs that exist solely to denounce people and their work.
Thank you for your time.
Giles (and Pierre)
Sitting on our fashionably moral clouds.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Story Time, children!
It's been far too long since we last told all of you a story. This time, let's make it a Christmas story! It has grinches, and angels, and stories of dastardly deeds and goodwill.
Our story... is also full of brutal honesty. (Except we do it with style and class. --Pierre)
You know, we've become quite sick of seeing certain people scally up the fashion feed at World of SL. They were recently booted there from the main feed, their sad arse confined. We have a bone to pick with them, really. They're trying to steal our limelight! The bastards. Plus, they screwed over a nice group of people, who we'll call the angels. The bad people we'll just simply refer to as grinches.
Now, see, one of our little angels spied a stolen present once upon a time, and she wrote about it at the local newspaper. The present was hijacked straight out of the mind of someone more grand, more spectacular, and the grinch chose to use the creation to gain copious amounts of money from the poor town citizens - he sold it "limited edition", but one will never be aware of how many he actually still holds and sells privately.
Our angel was sad - sad for the people that were being taken advantage of. She wrote that article, and not long afterward our favorite internet piece of poo, Brutal Honesty, was founded with three new characters no one had ever heard of.
Their first story was about denim. Their second story? Our girl. They took something she had fashioned with her own mouse and keyboard, and dug hard to rip it apart. They had to dig hard, because it really wasn't a bad creation - but she's not awfully experienced yet, so we will allow her this injustice.
This upset our angel, and rightfully so.
The grinches continued to harass our little angel, harangue her, and it got worse and more (for lack of a better word) BRUTAL with time. Classless. Now, our little angel isn't perfect - but she'd never done anything like that to anyone she took down for lying, cheating, or stealing. The grinches were, and are, merciless.
Then the first clincher came - we lost a beautiful angel, a beautiful angel creator, to a sad occurrence not long back. Their friends didn't want to speak of it yet, because it still hurt so much and they feared that the community might turn against them for revealing this information.
It turns out their fears were right. The grinches wrote about the disappearance of what we call "The Quad", and allowed commenters to absolutely have their way with the death. No respect, no class. Utter failure on their part. The grinches even supported the running commentary... in favor of more hits, more than likely. They said that Oh, everyone deserves a right to grieve in their own way. Some just feel this is lies fed to us by the Quad.
What person, in their right mind, would fake their own death? We would expect fake deaths from the grinches, but not from our fellow designers. No, the grinches were wrong and showed their lack of morality and respect in one short day.
A few weeks went by, and then we suddenly had more movement from the grinches, this time asking for "real pictures" of the angel we mention in the beginning of our story. They never say her name, but it was more than implied. However, the word in question was "real" - do they want real SL pictures, not faked in Photoshop? Or do they want real, honest photographs from the physical realm? One thing is for sure, it's best not to make the wrong assumption with these sorts of fanatical attempts. We will continue to assume, as many other people did, that the grinches were looking for blood: real blood. God only knows what their "special bonus package" entailed; it's best to keep them at arms length.
Hiding behind their assumed intelligence, their hidden agendas, their friends... our grinches thought they were safe, that no one would ever figure out who they were. Unfortunately for them, some of our friends in high places became angry, even agitated, and began digging. They overturned one rock that our grinches had been hiding under... and if you unturn one stone in a field, chances are the single one next to it is related.
My friends, Tina Travanti, aka Amelia Abernathy of Ame True designs, is the female end of our grinch family. She has been tracked via IP (not smart enough to use a proxy) which reveal both her alternate character and her true identity. Of course, she left other hints too. If any of you are familiar with shapes, you will more than likely notice that Amelia was so in love with her shape, that upon creating Tina she gave her alternate a copy of it. "But Giles," you may cry, "I can't see it! I can't tell, the skins are different!" Use your eyes.
Now, that leaves Lothian. Who is Lothian? Well, who do you know that's an egotistical arse and has Amelia hanging on him like her very life depends on it? Yes, you've probably got it. He's the one the original article at the local paper was about.
Of course, if you don't believe us on that end, simply ask yourself why neither of them has been releasing anything lately... In fact, he simply retextured some crummy old earrings from last year that he had hanging around and set them out for sale again. A year old? We think that qualifies them as free merchandise now - out of style, out of touch!
As for Lisbeth Darcy, we've heard rumors that this is their little pet, Bethany Heart. But, we can't make accusations when we have no stable information on that part... let's just say that Lisbeth is ALLEGEDLY the alt of Bethany.
(Oh, we decided to delete this bit. The commenters appear to be having more fun chewing on that bit of info rather than the point of the christmas story... shame on all of you! Let's just say that our grinches have friends in -semi- high places.)
What is the motivation behind all of their spittle? Well, we figure that they're foaming at the mouth simply because our little angel might have dented their sales. It's so sad to see that a middle aged man and woman, one from Washington, one from Seattle, can fall so far. We mean... dont' you think that Amelia should be off taking care of her family instead of spreading malicious rumors, lies, and stabbing everyone in the back? We're just saying.
*Disclaimer: Yes, we know they will sit there and try to deny this, cry, whine and harrass everyone, "NO it's not us!" Well, you can choose for yourself if you want to, but we know our evidence is true - and the coincidences are just far too... coincidental.
Our story... is also full of brutal honesty. (Except we do it with style and class. --Pierre)
You know, we've become quite sick of seeing certain people scally up the fashion feed at World of SL. They were recently booted there from the main feed, their sad arse confined. We have a bone to pick with them, really. They're trying to steal our limelight! The bastards. Plus, they screwed over a nice group of people, who we'll call the angels. The bad people we'll just simply refer to as grinches.
Now, see, one of our little angels spied a stolen present once upon a time, and she wrote about it at the local newspaper. The present was hijacked straight out of the mind of someone more grand, more spectacular, and the grinch chose to use the creation to gain copious amounts of money from the poor town citizens - he sold it "limited edition", but one will never be aware of how many he actually still holds and sells privately.
Our angel was sad - sad for the people that were being taken advantage of. She wrote that article, and not long afterward our favorite internet piece of poo, Brutal Honesty, was founded with three new characters no one had ever heard of.
Their first story was about denim. Their second story? Our girl. They took something she had fashioned with her own mouse and keyboard, and dug hard to rip it apart. They had to dig hard, because it really wasn't a bad creation - but she's not awfully experienced yet, so we will allow her this injustice.
This upset our angel, and rightfully so.
The grinches continued to harass our little angel, harangue her, and it got worse and more (for lack of a better word) BRUTAL with time. Classless. Now, our little angel isn't perfect - but she'd never done anything like that to anyone she took down for lying, cheating, or stealing. The grinches were, and are, merciless.
Then the first clincher came - we lost a beautiful angel, a beautiful angel creator, to a sad occurrence not long back. Their friends didn't want to speak of it yet, because it still hurt so much and they feared that the community might turn against them for revealing this information.
It turns out their fears were right. The grinches wrote about the disappearance of what we call "The Quad", and allowed commenters to absolutely have their way with the death. No respect, no class. Utter failure on their part. The grinches even supported the running commentary... in favor of more hits, more than likely. They said that Oh, everyone deserves a right to grieve in their own way. Some just feel this is lies fed to us by the Quad.
What person, in their right mind, would fake their own death? We would expect fake deaths from the grinches, but not from our fellow designers. No, the grinches were wrong and showed their lack of morality and respect in one short day.
A few weeks went by, and then we suddenly had more movement from the grinches, this time asking for "real pictures" of the angel we mention in the beginning of our story. They never say her name, but it was more than implied. However, the word in question was "real" - do they want real SL pictures, not faked in Photoshop? Or do they want real, honest photographs from the physical realm? One thing is for sure, it's best not to make the wrong assumption with these sorts of fanatical attempts. We will continue to assume, as many other people did, that the grinches were looking for blood: real blood. God only knows what their "special bonus package" entailed; it's best to keep them at arms length.
Hiding behind their assumed intelligence, their hidden agendas, their friends... our grinches thought they were safe, that no one would ever figure out who they were. Unfortunately for them, some of our friends in high places became angry, even agitated, and began digging. They overturned one rock that our grinches had been hiding under... and if you unturn one stone in a field, chances are the single one next to it is related.
My friends, Tina Travanti, aka Amelia Abernathy of Ame True designs, is the female end of our grinch family. She has been tracked via IP (not smart enough to use a proxy) which reveal both her alternate character and her true identity. Of course, she left other hints too. If any of you are familiar with shapes, you will more than likely notice that Amelia was so in love with her shape, that upon creating Tina she gave her alternate a copy of it. "But Giles," you may cry, "I can't see it! I can't tell, the skins are different!" Use your eyes.
Now, that leaves Lothian. Who is Lothian? Well, who do you know that's an egotistical arse and has Amelia hanging on him like her very life depends on it? Yes, you've probably got it. He's the one the original article at the local paper was about.
Of course, if you don't believe us on that end, simply ask yourself why neither of them has been releasing anything lately... In fact, he simply retextured some crummy old earrings from last year that he had hanging around and set them out for sale again. A year old? We think that qualifies them as free merchandise now - out of style, out of touch!
As for Lisbeth Darcy, we've heard rumors that this is their little pet, Bethany Heart. But, we can't make accusations when we have no stable information on that part... let's just say that Lisbeth is ALLEGEDLY the alt of Bethany.
(Oh, we decided to delete this bit. The commenters appear to be having more fun chewing on that bit of info rather than the point of the christmas story... shame on all of you! Let's just say that our grinches have friends in -semi- high places.)
What is the motivation behind all of their spittle? Well, we figure that they're foaming at the mouth simply because our little angel might have dented their sales. It's so sad to see that a middle aged man and woman, one from Washington, one from Seattle, can fall so far. We mean... dont' you think that Amelia should be off taking care of her family instead of spreading malicious rumors, lies, and stabbing everyone in the back? We're just saying.
*Disclaimer: Yes, we know they will sit there and try to deny this, cry, whine and harrass everyone, "NO it's not us!" Well, you can choose for yourself if you want to, but we know our evidence is true - and the coincidences are just far too... coincidental.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Pierre and Giles are very sad.
It appears that Swirly has recently become remarried so our chances with her in a classy menage-a-trois are absolutely dead, much like her recent husband! Oh, we do crack ourselves up.
In a desperate attempt to cruise the fashion feed, enjoying the halloween posts, we screamed when we saw this.

Ye gods, who let the whore from Charing Cross Road out of the house?!
This as well?!

Bad tone, bad makeup... and is it just us, or does she look like a mongoloid?
In a desperate attempt to cruise the fashion feed, enjoying the halloween posts, we screamed when we saw this.
Ye gods, who let the whore from Charing Cross Road out of the house?!
This as well?!
Bad tone, bad makeup... and is it just us, or does she look like a mongoloid?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Minnu the Mauler
Like a fine wine, gossip often takes time to come to full frutation. We are finally pleased to present to you the case of Minnu Pallen and Tenshi Vielle. We knew these logs were floating around out there, and we've finally recieved them. It is like Christmas around here for Pierre and I; he's in his knickers and I'm ... well, let's not talk about that.
In our fine opinion, it appears that Miss Vielle has been had. Minnu and the Suite 17 skin creators may have conspired against her to drum up traffic for Minnu's sim opening, which just happened to be the end of the week during the Minnu Skins drama. We are inclined to use an untrained eye on any photographs, and we also believe through Miss Vielle's digital photographs that Minnu may have simply chose to share her source with the Suite 17 creator. The poor Miss Vielle even posted a formal retraction without any hint of biterness.
A note of interesting gossip? While Minnu refused to support Miss Vielle's entry on the possibly copied skins, she went right ahead and invited the Suite 17 creator to her little Minnu Skins Sim opening party. How convienient and friendly of her to do so.
We leave you with the chat logs, please decide for yourself... however, in the future Miss Vielle, it might be better for you to do entries from your own opinions and sightings rather than take suggestions directly from the designers themselves.
(Oh, and as a side note, Minnu might want to consider hiring a smarter, more colloquial "manager" for her "company", especially if they continue to write such hideous "official memmos".)
[2007/09/19 11:57] Minnu Palen: hello
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: Minnu!
[2007/09/19 11:57] IM: Alla Ruff: she jsut sent me pics too
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: hiya.
[2007/09/19 11:57] Minnu Palen: nice to meet u hun
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: ditto...
********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i hate doing this
********[2007/09/19 11:58] You: I came here to investigate something... I'd imagine you might know about it?
********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i do
[2007/09/19 11:58] You: are your skins mod?
********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i got couple of letters from customers
[2007/09/19 11:58] Tenshi Vielle wrinkles her nose
[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: telling me about that guy
[2007/09/19 11:58] You: crummy job.
[2007/09/19 11:58] You: I just bought his pale demos - where are your demos at?
********[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: i will give u skins
********[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: to have
[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: not demos
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: Oh! Well, thank you.
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: yeah, I'm seeing the similarities
[2007/09/19 11:59] IM: Alla Ruff: omg nice!!!
[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: ub want all?
[2007/09/19 11:59] IM: Alla Ruff: teepee me?
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: the pale please, if you would
[2007/09/19 12:00] IM: Alla Ruff: oh wait i have the lm lol
[2007/09/19 12:00] Alla Ruff: hey bitches :)
[2007/09/19 12:00] Minnu Palen: hola cow
[2007/09/19 12:00] Minnu Palen: got them?
[2007/09/19 12:00] Kit Maitland is Online
[2007/09/19 12:01] Alla Ruff: tensh, did u check out twob's skins?
[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen: she got the demos
********[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen gave you Pale SkinGloss.
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: thank you Minnu
[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen: u w
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: Alla, I just grabbed his demos
[2007/09/19 12:01] higgleDpiggle Snoats is Offline
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: I plan on comparing the two in pics and slapping it up on SCD
[2007/09/19 12:01] Alla Ruff: he changed quite a lot on his skins
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: but notice the bow of the lips
[2007/09/19 12:02] IM: TheDiva Rockin: ??
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: its in the exact location
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: yeah, I am.
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: and done the same way
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: He screwed with the tones a bit
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: yea his skins look dirty
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: and maybe brushed a bit of dodge over a few areas
[2007/09/19 12:02] Minnu Palen: mine r mush sarper
[2007/09/19 12:02] Minnu Palen: sharper
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: I have an idea.
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: lol
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: did u happen to notice his remakes of Fnky and Cake sunglasses too?
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: I'll probably do an overlay of the skins as well - take two same photos and overlay them semi-transparent one on top of the other
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: No, I didn't
********[2007/09/19 12:03] Minnu Palen gave you store selling skins very similar to MM skins.
[2007/09/19 12:03] Alla Ruff: yea his ads are even in the same style
[2007/09/19 12:03] Minnu Palen: i got this today
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: I did notice that much
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: nice
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: okay gals, I'm gonna go take care of this. Refresh SCD in about twenty minutes, the post should be up.
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: If I log out, I've skipped into photoshop to do the overlay. :)
[2007/09/19 12:04] Alla Ruff: Tenshi I love you
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: <3 style="font-weight: bold;">********[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: tont fuck the guy if we r not sure
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: they do :\
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: lol
********[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: but i am
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: I'm pretty sure, Minnu
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: let me do the overlay and I'll show it to you
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: kk
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: okay, I'm going to go home and take the snaps
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: see you two in a bit
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: k
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: ty
[2007/09/19 12:04] Alla Ruff: ok i gotta go finish up some stuff too, tp me back in a bit :)?
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: me?
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: or her
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: lol
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: either of u
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: lol
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: ok seeu in a bit <3 style="font-weight: bold;">(Is Minnu really this accommodating for things she doesn't want done??)
[2007/09/19 12:07] You: thanks
[2007/09/19 12:07] Minnu Palen: uw
Dear Tenshi Vielle,
this is an official MM Skins statement.
As a whitness to all what has been going on with possible MM Skins ripoff i am surprised at your childish and unproffesional behaviour. I personally whitnessed your determination on desposing the designer who supposedly forged our skins without any pleed from any of the partys involved with MM Skins. My sister or any of us in MM Skins never asked of you to fight on our behalf, it was completely your choise of which i am sure because i remember your determination to buy our demos on your own and all Minnu did is that she provided you with skins so you dont waste your money no matter what your conclusion might be.
Therefore I dont see the point of your cowerdly behaviour in not beeing able to stand behind your actions of which you are well aware off. Noone asked you to promote our skins or to compare them with other designers because it is our policy that people have a choice to chose for themselves and its completely up to them which skin they prefer so I think you should reconsider your statements and accept the situation you have put yourself into.
I'm sorry you feel this way and I hope you will be more carefull what you do in the future and please make sure you can handle the blame you put on yourself not trying to shift it on others!
Sincerely yours,
Thora Charron
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: Now listen here. I don't know who you are or what you do, but I don't think it's your place to get involved now. I've put a retraction statement up on my blog and haven't published anything against Minnu skins or such. My experience with Minnu has been my own, and from my personal standpoint, Minnu crafted a very good promotion at drumming up her new sim.
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: That's my standpoint, and I will stick to it.
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: I don't see it as childish at all.
[15:21] Tenshi Vielle: I think the only cowardly behavior here came from your end, which wouldn't stand up for the accusiations when they began. No one came to back me up although the entry was asked for. I stated that I will not promote Minnu skins in the future and I plan on sticking to that.
[15:21] Tenshi Vielle: If you want me to publically state my side of things so we can all argue in the open that's totally feasible but for now I have said my piece to Minnu and I will stick to it.
[15:23] Tenshi Vielle: This wasn't a thing of wasting money. If I was worried about "wasting money" on Minnu's skins, I wouldn't have to - she has demos, doesn't she? I was going to get those, but no - she provided me with the full on skins.
[15:28] Thora Charron: i dont need any explanation, u have only your concious to respond to i just represent my companys best interest and thus my memmo, we dont want any hard feelings and it was certainly not about marketing, i respect your side of things and i am just sad people in general, not only u like seeing things from a restricted and for them conveniente point of view, hope u do well in sl and recover from this unfortunate incident with your blog
[15:31] Tenshi Vielle: No, I felt that I had to respond to your attempt to accuse me of being childish and immature. This is not a case of being childish and immature, and I certainly do not appreciate the way you've treated me about this. If you were willing to just let it drop, you wouldn't have said anything nor called me those things. Thank you, but I will not be doing any business with your "company" any longer and I most certainly will not recommend it to anyone. Have a good night.
We close simply with, OOOOHH! BURN!
In our fine opinion, it appears that Miss Vielle has been had. Minnu and the Suite 17 skin creators may have conspired against her to drum up traffic for Minnu's sim opening, which just happened to be the end of the week during the Minnu Skins drama. We are inclined to use an untrained eye on any photographs, and we also believe through Miss Vielle's digital photographs that Minnu may have simply chose to share her source with the Suite 17 creator. The poor Miss Vielle even posted a formal retraction without any hint of biterness.
A note of interesting gossip? While Minnu refused to support Miss Vielle's entry on the possibly copied skins, she went right ahead and invited the Suite 17 creator to her little Minnu Skins Sim opening party. How convienient and friendly of her to do so.
We leave you with the chat logs, please decide for yourself... however, in the future Miss Vielle, it might be better for you to do entries from your own opinions and sightings rather than take suggestions directly from the designers themselves.
(Oh, and as a side note, Minnu might want to consider hiring a smarter, more colloquial "manager" for her "company", especially if they continue to write such hideous "official memmos".)
[2007/09/19 11:57] Minnu Palen: hello
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: Minnu!
[2007/09/19 11:57] IM: Alla Ruff: she jsut sent me pics too
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: hiya.
[2007/09/19 11:57] Minnu Palen: nice to meet u hun
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: ditto...
********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i hate doing this
********[2007/09/19 11:58] You: I came here to investigate something... I'd imagine you might know about it?
********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i do
[2007/09/19 11:58] You: are your skins mod?
********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i got couple of letters from customers
[2007/09/19 11:58] Tenshi Vielle wrinkles her nose
[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: telling me about that guy
[2007/09/19 11:58] You: crummy job.
[2007/09/19 11:58] You: I just bought his pale demos - where are your demos at?
********[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: i will give u skins
********[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: to have
[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: not demos
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: Oh! Well, thank you.
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: yeah, I'm seeing the similarities
[2007/09/19 11:59] IM: Alla Ruff: omg nice!!!
[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: ub want all?
[2007/09/19 11:59] IM: Alla Ruff: teepee me?
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: the pale please, if you would
[2007/09/19 12:00] IM: Alla Ruff: oh wait i have the lm lol
[2007/09/19 12:00] Alla Ruff: hey bitches :)
[2007/09/19 12:00] Minnu Palen: hola cow
[2007/09/19 12:00] Minnu Palen: got them?
[2007/09/19 12:00] Kit Maitland is Online
[2007/09/19 12:01] Alla Ruff: tensh, did u check out twob's skins?
[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen: she got the demos
********[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen gave you Pale SkinGloss.
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: thank you Minnu
[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen: u w
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: Alla, I just grabbed his demos
[2007/09/19 12:01] higgleDpiggle Snoats is Offline
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: I plan on comparing the two in pics and slapping it up on SCD
[2007/09/19 12:01] Alla Ruff: he changed quite a lot on his skins
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: but notice the bow of the lips
[2007/09/19 12:02] IM: TheDiva Rockin: ??
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: its in the exact location
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: yeah, I am.
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: and done the same way
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: He screwed with the tones a bit
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: yea his skins look dirty
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: and maybe brushed a bit of dodge over a few areas
[2007/09/19 12:02] Minnu Palen: mine r mush sarper
[2007/09/19 12:02] Minnu Palen: sharper
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: I have an idea.
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: lol
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: did u happen to notice his remakes of Fnky and Cake sunglasses too?
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: I'll probably do an overlay of the skins as well - take two same photos and overlay them semi-transparent one on top of the other
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: No, I didn't
********[2007/09/19 12:03] Minnu Palen gave you store selling skins very similar to MM skins.
[2007/09/19 12:03] Alla Ruff: yea his ads are even in the same style
[2007/09/19 12:03] Minnu Palen: i got this today
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: I did notice that much
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: nice
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: okay gals, I'm gonna go take care of this. Refresh SCD in about twenty minutes, the post should be up.
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: If I log out, I've skipped into photoshop to do the overlay. :)
[2007/09/19 12:04] Alla Ruff: Tenshi I love you
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: <3 style="font-weight: bold;">********[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: tont fuck the guy if we r not sure
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: they do :\
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: lol
********[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: but i am
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: I'm pretty sure, Minnu
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: let me do the overlay and I'll show it to you
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: kk
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: okay, I'm going to go home and take the snaps
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: see you two in a bit
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: k
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: ty
[2007/09/19 12:04] Alla Ruff: ok i gotta go finish up some stuff too, tp me back in a bit :)?
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: me?
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: or her
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: lol
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: either of u
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: lol
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: ok seeu in a bit <3 style="font-weight: bold;">(Is Minnu really this accommodating for things she doesn't want done??)
[2007/09/19 12:07] You: thanks
[2007/09/19 12:07] Minnu Palen: uw
Dear Tenshi Vielle,
this is an official MM Skins statement.
As a whitness to all what has been going on with possible MM Skins ripoff i am surprised at your childish and unproffesional behaviour. I personally whitnessed your determination on desposing the designer who supposedly forged our skins without any pleed from any of the partys involved with MM Skins. My sister or any of us in MM Skins never asked of you to fight on our behalf, it was completely your choise of which i am sure because i remember your determination to buy our demos on your own and all Minnu did is that she provided you with skins so you dont waste your money no matter what your conclusion might be.
Therefore I dont see the point of your cowerdly behaviour in not beeing able to stand behind your actions of which you are well aware off. Noone asked you to promote our skins or to compare them with other designers because it is our policy that people have a choice to chose for themselves and its completely up to them which skin they prefer so I think you should reconsider your statements and accept the situation you have put yourself into.
I'm sorry you feel this way and I hope you will be more carefull what you do in the future and please make sure you can handle the blame you put on yourself not trying to shift it on others!
Sincerely yours,
Thora Charron
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: Now listen here. I don't know who you are or what you do, but I don't think it's your place to get involved now. I've put a retraction statement up on my blog and haven't published anything against Minnu skins or such. My experience with Minnu has been my own, and from my personal standpoint, Minnu crafted a very good promotion at drumming up her new sim.
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: That's my standpoint, and I will stick to it.
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: I don't see it as childish at all.
[15:21] Tenshi Vielle: I think the only cowardly behavior here came from your end, which wouldn't stand up for the accusiations when they began. No one came to back me up although the entry was asked for. I stated that I will not promote Minnu skins in the future and I plan on sticking to that.
[15:21] Tenshi Vielle: If you want me to publically state my side of things so we can all argue in the open that's totally feasible but for now I have said my piece to Minnu and I will stick to it.
[15:23] Tenshi Vielle: This wasn't a thing of wasting money. If I was worried about "wasting money" on Minnu's skins, I wouldn't have to - she has demos, doesn't she? I was going to get those, but no - she provided me with the full on skins.
[15:28] Thora Charron: i dont need any explanation, u have only your concious to respond to i just represent my companys best interest and thus my memmo, we dont want any hard feelings and it was certainly not about marketing, i respect your side of things and i am just sad people in general, not only u like seeing things from a restricted and for them conveniente point of view, hope u do well in sl and recover from this unfortunate incident with your blog
[15:31] Tenshi Vielle: No, I felt that I had to respond to your attempt to accuse me of being childish and immature. This is not a case of being childish and immature, and I certainly do not appreciate the way you've treated me about this. If you were willing to just let it drop, you wouldn't have said anything nor called me those things. Thank you, but I will not be doing any business with your "company" any longer and I most certainly will not recommend it to anyone. Have a good night.
We close simply with, OOOOHH! BURN!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
We are sad.
Why are we sad? Because Tao Takashi allows other blogs, blogs that show BDSM and naked women, blogs whose owners cuss incessantly and blogs that show lesbian domestic violence and hideous crimes of fashion... and what about poor Pierre and Giles? Naught! We are left in the dust. It is discouraging, to find the owner of such a wonderful feed so biased as to a few men who have questions. Valid questions!
We give you the sad face. :-( We are not amused. If you want to see us on the fashion feed, contact Tao and yell at him. Please. Our voices are hoarse from the constant effort of breathing while hitting the keys to email him relentlessly.
Pierre and Giles
We give you the sad face. :-( We are not amused. If you want to see us on the fashion feed, contact Tao and yell at him. Please. Our voices are hoarse from the constant effort of breathing while hitting the keys to email him relentlessly.
Pierre and Giles
Monday, September 10, 2007
Hush, hush, darling.
Pierre and I both know we like it when certain people just keep their mouths shut and look like our pretty little birds that we know and love rather than opening and removing all doubt of idiocy.
We bring in case to you this instance of Scarlett Niven, who I'm sure will be happy to know we are informing all of you that this conversation is why she was late to her own party, by nearly a turn of the hourglass. Sad, really. Stem cells might help her.
Which is it, darling? Does your uncle work for the idiotic American Homeland Security system? Or the FBI? Maybe he's just your neighborhood pedophile.
This has been another Pierre and Giles transmission, reminding you to not act your hair color, but to act your age.
Signing off, fashionably and with grace,
We bring in case to you this instance of Scarlett Niven, who I'm sure will be happy to know we are informing all of you that this conversation is why she was late to her own party, by nearly a turn of the hourglass. Sad, really. Stem cells might help her.
Which is it, darling? Does your uncle work for the idiotic American Homeland Security system? Or the FBI? Maybe he's just your neighborhood pedophile.
[22:56] Scarlett Niven: I've just sent your name with an IP address trace to my Uncle who works for Homeland Security,...Good Luck With That...:-D
[22:57] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Ahahahahaha
[22:57] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Good luck with that
[22:57] Scarlett Niven: Yo have no idea who YOU are dealing with..."D
[22:57] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Oh heavens no, my IP!
[22:58] Scarlett Niven: My dear...way beyond that...
[22:58] Scarlett Niven: He already knows your name...
[22:58] Scarlett Niven: Friggin Lindens have sold out everything..
[22:58] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: This is a pretty bad prank if that's what you're going for
[22:59] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: You should come back to Baku, we should discuss terms of the ransom of my IP over some virtual tea.
[22:59] Scarlett Niven:'s not a joke...:-((...
[22:59] Scarlett Niven: but I made a mistake..
[22:59] Scarlett Niven: I didn't know I had my mic on
[23:00] Scarlett Niven: and I was treated like crap..
[23:00] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: So thus you will call your uncle in homeland security who can get my IP from the second life client :v
[23:00] Scarlett Niven: yep...why might be a threat...
[23:00] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: I got insulted once on the internet. I traced the guy down to his house and fed his dog chocolate because you're not supposed to do that, and I hear it could even kill them
[23:00] Scarlett Niven: you sure attacked me quickly..
[23:00] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: He deserved it though he called me a slag.
[23:01] Scarlett Niven: You ever saw the Sopranos...well try that with me....
[23:01] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Oh cool you have some fat italian guys around?
[23:02] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: My uncle isn't italian but he's fat and can do apretty mean impression
[23:02] Scarlett Niven: Yes...*stone face*
[23:02] Scarlett Niven: try me..
[23:02] Scarlett Niven: I'm not kidding...
[23:03] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Perhaps we could do like a thing where my uncle can be all "I'm in the mafia" and your uncle could be "I'm in homeland security and i'm going to arrest you" but then he needs to use my uncle for his crinimal knowledge so they become partners, but they don't get along together but eventually learn that despite their differences they're actually the same and it will be the feel good hit of the summer.
[23:04] Scarlett Niven: My Uncle already knows who you are...I just got an email..are you stupid?
[23:04] Scarlett Niven: You should get a phone call tomorrow..
[23:04] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: My teacher says I read at a 5th grade level
[23:04] Scarlett Niven: sorry.
[23:04] Scarlett Niven: or your parrents,.
[23:04] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Hey don't apologise
[23:04] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: i'd like to meet your uncle he sounds cool
[23:05] Scarlett Niven: He is..
[23:05] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Perhaps after the court case where i'm held for calling you a slag, he can join me for a beer.
[23:05] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Does he like german beer? I don't really like german beer much but we could have german beer.
[23:05] Scarlett Niven: what is that anyway>
[23:06] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Beer?
[23:06] Scarlett Niven: no...slag?
[23:06] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: It's a alcoholic liquid made up from yeast and several other things
[23:06] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Oh, it's Australian slang for 'slut'
[23:07] Scarlett Niven: As much as I love talking to your Alt...I think you should reconsider that's not remotely true...
[23:08] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: I can assure you ma'am, beer is most certainly made from yeast.
[23:09] Scarlett Niven: I saw some dots...I tp'd and got insulted but a bunch of assholes...because I forgot my mic was on...
[23:09] Scarlett Niven: Let me assure you that Karma is in SL and you 15 or 50..
[23:09] Scarlett Niven: I meant you no harm..
[23:09] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Do you scream rape when people ask you nicely to turn down your music
[23:09] Scarlett Niven: but you decided to attack me anyway...
[23:09] Scarlett Niven: No one asked me to turn my music down..
[23:10] Scarlett Niven: I can cut and paste what was said if you'd like..
[23:10] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Do you like the house of pain? They're a good band but I've only really heard one of their songs
[23:10] Scarlett Niven: The are just many on around 800 songs on my computer..
[23:11] Scarlett Niven: they just happen to be on,,.
[23:11] Scarlett Niven: You don't like the Irish?
[23:11] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Did you ever listen to Kris Kross
[23:11] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: He had a song about jumping too.
[23:11] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: I like songs about jumping, Van Halen did one that was pretty cool too.
[23:11] Scarlett Niven: My cheer group did a routine to it..
[23:12] Scarlett Niven: And I have the Van Halen Jump as wel
[23:12] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: You were a cheerleader? Me too!
[23:12] Scarlett Niven: well
[23:12] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: We're like sisters!
[23:12] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: I don't know why we got off on such a bad footing. We both like songs about jumping and cheerleading
[23:12] Scarlett Niven: From 3 grade to junior in college
[23:12] Scarlett Niven: happens..
[23:13] Scarlett Niven: Are you gay?
[23:13] Scarlett Niven: Because if you are...I don't care...:-D
[23:13] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Excuse me?
[23:13] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: That's very offensive.
[23:13] Scarlett Niven: Are you a guy?
[23:13] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: You should watch what you say :s
[23:14] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: yes I'm a man.
[23:14] Scarlett Niven: Sorry..most guys that like that are gay,,but I could care less..
[23:15] Scarlett Niven: I like people for who they are..
[23:15] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: You could NOT care less
[23:15] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: you could NOT care less
[23:15] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: I'm sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine when people say that.
[23:15] Scarlett Niven: kay..sorry..
[23:15] Scarlett Niven: I'm trying to answer too many IM'
[23:16] Scarlett Niven: But I'm trying to give you the benefit fo the doubt...
[23:16] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: You know, I have a good mind to tell my uncle about you.
[23:16] Scarlett Niven: since you are still talking to me..
[23:17] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: You threaten me over IM, call me gay, then use common english terms the completely wrong way.
[23:17] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: And I thought we were starting to get over our problems :(
[23:17] Scarlett Niven: how id that wrong?
[23:18] Scarlett Niven: I did not call you gay...I just said if you were I would not judge u
[23:18] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: You outright insinuated that I would.
[23:18] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: You may as well just have said "Bottom feeding poop diver" because really now... prettying it up with words doesn't change anything
[23:19] Scarlett Niven: I guess you hate gays..
[23:20] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Excuse me? now you're caling me intolerant?
[23:20] Scarlett Niven: I just said that it did not matter...are you reading your chat?
[23:21] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Ok, that's it. I just recieved an email from my Uncle. Expect a call tomorrow. :)))
[23:22] Scarlett Niven: Keep joking...I'm not...have a good night..your parents will be so happy tomorrow.....
[23:22] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: My parents are dead you bastard.
[23:22] Scarlett Niven: My Uncle has been with the FBI since 1991
[23:23] Scarlett Niven: and has run background checks on everyone I have dated...
[23:23] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Do you meet alot of boys over the internet
[23:23] Scarlett Niven: no...but IP addresses give more that just the town you live in..
[23:24] Scarlett Niven: it gives your address, name and phone number...
[23:24] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: I know. I scanned yours through my CatScan earlier. I already have your full name, address and social security number, work history and a single digit number of the people you have slept with.
[23:25] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: IP addresses are great
[23:25] Scarlett Niven: lol..good for you should be wanting to marry me now I guess...
[23:25] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Really? You're serious?
[23:25] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Well i didn't plan on getting hitched for a few years, but sure why not.
[23:25] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: We would constantly be angry and hating each other. it'd be like tat one movie with owen wilson
[23:26] Scarlett Niven: LOL...right?
[23:26] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: where they hate each other because the girl is annoying and the guy has a crooked nose, but then they settle their differences in the end and they play some kickass Jack Johnson music
[23:28] Scarlett Niven: I met a guy at a club and we had a big arguement..but surprise...he is one of my friends now after talkling with me at length..
[23:28] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Perhaps we could go to a club and cause a public scene then have angry hate sex sometime.
[23:29] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Well i'm afraid i'm late for a hateful gay association club meeting, so I guess I shall see you around! :D
[23:31] Scarlett Niven: I don't do hate sex...I just got Sl divorced so I'm just looking for friends,,people with things to talk about...not people who find it amusing to insult people who they will never meet...the one thing about me...
[23:31] Scarlett Niven: I will treat you the same in both places..
[23:31] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Oh, you should come by Baku sometime then, i'm sure you'll find a ton of people just like you. We have some of the wildest parties in SL :D
[23:32] Scarlett Niven: I don't get into that...I
[23:33] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Oh ok well on off hours we like to have tea parties, and if the weathers right, ride a manatee or two ;)
[23:33] Scarlett Niven: You've made a judgement of me already...shouldn't I be insulted?
[23:33] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Probaby.
[23:33] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: *Probab LEEEEE
[23:37] Scarlett Niven: a fabulous night my dear...
[23:37] NotDecomposingMonstre Recreant: Oh I will, I will.
This has been another Pierre and Giles transmission, reminding you to not act your hair color, but to act your age.
Signing off, fashionably and with grace,
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Shame to Bloggers
Hello my fashionable, floundered following. As of late Giles and I have been reading the fashion feed to our utter despair. Bloggers morals need a serious head check. If you are reviewing something, then DO IT. We don't want to sit here and watch you take pretty pictures of yourself wearing shit and say NOTHING about it.
A review copy is not a gift. It is not a bribe to get you to look into some ones shop. If it’s awful then say so.
I cant help but see hundred of heinous items grace the feed and if its not poor products then it’s the level of blogging. Ana Lutetia is by far the worst criminal for this her pictures actually have no description, no critique, except a list of items used beneath it. Honestly... if I wanted to see hundreds of photos of her I would look at her flickr account. (She has a lovely flickr account.) We don’t need them cluttering up what should be insightful fashion news. Don’t get me wrong, though... she’s hardly the only one guilty. Just the first one that comes to mind. There's others - Assembly Challenged, Deux Looks... they don't review. Some of them simply claim to; what they're really doing is playing dollies and screaming, "Look. I'm hot. Aren't I hot? Am I hot? LOVE ME."
The relationship between Designers and Bloggers is symbiotic they both need each other but the blogging side should act as a form of assessment. Please try to stick to that.
Sitting on my morally fashionable cloud...
A review copy is not a gift. It is not a bribe to get you to look into some ones shop. If it’s awful then say so.
I cant help but see hundred of heinous items grace the feed and if its not poor products then it’s the level of blogging. Ana Lutetia is by far the worst criminal for this her pictures actually have no description, no critique, except a list of items used beneath it. Honestly... if I wanted to see hundreds of photos of her I would look at her flickr account. (She has a lovely flickr account.) We don’t need them cluttering up what should be insightful fashion news. Don’t get me wrong, though... she’s hardly the only one guilty. Just the first one that comes to mind. There's others - Assembly Challenged, Deux Looks... they don't review. Some of them simply claim to; what they're really doing is playing dollies and screaming, "Look. I'm hot. Aren't I hot? Am I hot? LOVE ME."
The relationship between Designers and Bloggers is symbiotic they both need each other but the blogging side should act as a form of assessment. Please try to stick to that.
Sitting on my morally fashionable cloud...
And the award goes to... my best friend!
Pierre and I were just wondering...
With hundreds of entrants and such wonderful photographs as Celestial Studios was claiming to have recieved... why did they pick one of their best friends (who has one of the most painfully plain photos) as a winner in their contest?
We're just wondering.
*no one is safe*
With hundreds of entrants and such wonderful photographs as Celestial Studios was claiming to have recieved... why did they pick one of their best friends (who has one of the most painfully plain photos) as a winner in their contest?
We're just wondering.
*no one is safe*
Friday, August 17, 2007
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