Like a fine wine, gossip often takes time to come to full frutation. We are finally pleased to present to you the case of Minnu Pallen and Tenshi Vielle. We knew these logs were floating around out there, and we've finally recieved them. It is like Christmas around here for Pierre and I; he's in his knickers and I'm ... well, let's not talk about that.
In our fine opinion, it appears that Miss Vielle has been had. Minnu and the Suite 17 skin creators may have conspired against her to drum up traffic for Minnu's sim opening, which just happened to be the end of the week during the
Minnu Skins drama. We are inclined to use an untrained eye on any photographs, and we also believe through Miss Vielle's digital photographs that Minnu may have simply chose to share her source with the Suite 17 creator. The poor Miss Vielle even posted a
formal retraction without any hint of biterness.
A note of interesting gossip? While Minnu refused to support Miss Vielle's entry on the possibly copied skins, she went right ahead and invited the Suite 17 creator to her little Minnu Skins Sim opening party. How convienient and friendly of her to do so.
We leave you with the chat logs, please decide for yourself... however, in the future Miss Vielle, it might be better for you to do entries from your own opinions and sightings rather than take suggestions directly from the designers themselves.
(Oh, and as a side note, Minnu might want to consider hiring a smarter, more colloquial "manager" for her "company", especially if they continue to write such hideous "official memmos".)
[2007/09/19 11:57] Minnu Palen: hello
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: Minnu!
[2007/09/19 11:57] IM: Alla Ruff: she jsut sent me pics too
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: hiya.
[2007/09/19 11:57] Minnu Palen: nice to meet u hun
[2007/09/19 11:57] You: ditto...
********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i hate doing this
********[2007/09/19 11:58] You: I came here to investigate something... I'd imagine you might know about it?********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i do[2007/09/19 11:58] You: are your skins mod?********[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: i got couple of letters from customers[2007/09/19 11:58] Tenshi Vielle wrinkles her nose[2007/09/19 11:58] Minnu Palen: telling me about that guy[2007/09/19 11:58] You: crummy job.[2007/09/19 11:58] You: I just bought his pale demos - where are your demos at?********[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: i will give u skins********[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: to have[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: not demos
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: Oh! Well, thank you.
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: yeah, I'm seeing the similarities
[2007/09/19 11:59] IM: Alla Ruff: omg nice!!!
[2007/09/19 11:59] Minnu Palen: ub want all?
[2007/09/19 11:59] IM: Alla Ruff: teepee me?
[2007/09/19 11:59] You: the pale please, if you would
[2007/09/19 12:00] IM: Alla Ruff: oh wait i have the lm lol
[2007/09/19 12:00] Alla Ruff: hey bitches :)
[2007/09/19 12:00] Minnu Palen: hola cow
[2007/09/19 12:00] Minnu Palen: got them?
[2007/09/19 12:00] Kit Maitland is Online
[2007/09/19 12:01] Alla Ruff: tensh, did u check out twob's skins?
[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen: she got the demos
********[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen gave you Pale SkinGloss.
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: thank you Minnu
[2007/09/19 12:01] Minnu Palen: u w
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: Alla, I just grabbed his demos
[2007/09/19 12:01] higgleDpiggle Snoats is Offline
[2007/09/19 12:01] You: I plan on comparing the two in pics and slapping it up on SCD
[2007/09/19 12:01] Alla Ruff: he changed quite a lot on his skins
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: but notice the bow of the lips
[2007/09/19 12:02] IM: TheDiva Rockin: ??
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: its in the exact location
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: yeah, I am.
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: and done the same way
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: He screwed with the tones a bit
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: yea his skins look dirty
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: and maybe brushed a bit of dodge over a few areas
[2007/09/19 12:02] Minnu Palen: mine r mush sarper
[2007/09/19 12:02] Minnu Palen: sharper
[2007/09/19 12:02] You: I have an idea.
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: lol
[2007/09/19 12:02] Alla Ruff: did u happen to notice his remakes of Fnky and Cake sunglasses too?
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: I'll probably do an overlay of the skins as well - take two same photos and overlay them semi-transparent one on top of the other
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: No, I didn't
********[2007/09/19 12:03] Minnu Palen gave you store selling skins very similar to MM skins.
[2007/09/19 12:03] Alla Ruff: yea his ads are even in the same style
[2007/09/19 12:03] Minnu Palen: i got this today
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: I did notice that much
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: nice
[2007/09/19 12:03] You: okay gals, I'm gonna go take care of this. Refresh SCD in about twenty minutes, the post should be up.
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: If I log out, I've skipped into photoshop to do the overlay. :)
[2007/09/19 12:04] Alla Ruff: Tenshi I love you
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: <3 style="font-weight: bold;">********[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: tont fuck the guy if we r not sure
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: they do :\
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: lol
********[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: but i am[2007/09/19 12:04] You: I'm pretty sure, Minnu
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: let me do the overlay and I'll show it to you
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: kk
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: okay, I'm going to go home and take the snaps
[2007/09/19 12:04] You: see you two in a bit
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: k
[2007/09/19 12:04] Minnu Palen: ty
[2007/09/19 12:04] Alla Ruff: ok i gotta go finish up some stuff too, tp me back in a bit :)?
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: me?
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: or her
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: lol
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: either of u
[2007/09/19 12:05] Minnu Palen: lol
[2007/09/19 12:05] Alla Ruff: ok seeu in a bit <3 style="font-weight: bold;">(Is Minnu really this accommodating for things she doesn't want done??)
[2007/09/19 12:07] You: thanks
[2007/09/19 12:07] Minnu Palen: uw
Dear Tenshi Vielle,
this is an official MM Skins statement.
As a whitness to all what has been going on with possible MM Skins ripoff i am surprised at your childish and unproffesional behaviour. I personally whitnessed your determination on desposing the designer who supposedly forged our skins without any pleed from any of the partys involved with MM Skins. My sister or any of us in MM Skins never asked of you to fight on our behalf, it was completely your choise of which i am sure because i remember your determination to buy our demos on your own and all Minnu did is that she provided you with skins so you dont waste your money no matter what your conclusion might be.
Therefore I dont see the point of your cowerdly behaviour in not beeing able to stand behind your actions of which you are well aware off. Noone asked you to promote our skins or to compare them with other designers because it is our policy that people have a choice to chose for themselves and its completely up to them which skin they prefer so I think you should reconsider your statements and accept the situation you have put yourself into.
I'm sorry you feel this way and I hope you will be more carefull what you do in the future and please make sure you can handle the blame you put on yourself not trying to shift it on others!
Sincerely yours,
Thora Charron
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: Now listen here. I don't know who you are or what you do, but I don't think it's your place to get involved now. I've put a retraction statement up on my blog and haven't published anything against Minnu skins or such. My experience with Minnu has been my own, and from my personal standpoint, Minnu crafted a very good promotion at drumming up her new sim.
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: That's my standpoint, and I will stick to it.
[15:20] Tenshi Vielle: I don't see it as childish at all.
[15:21] Tenshi Vielle: I think the only cowardly behavior here came from your end, which wouldn't stand up for the accusiations when they began. No one came to back me up although the entry was asked for. I stated that I will not promote Minnu skins in the future and I plan on sticking to that.
[15:21] Tenshi Vielle: If you want me to publically state my side of things so we can all argue in the open that's totally feasible but for now I have said my piece to Minnu and I will stick to it.
[15:23] Tenshi Vielle: This wasn't a thing of wasting money. If I was worried about "wasting money" on Minnu's skins, I wouldn't have to - she has demos, doesn't she? I was going to get those, but no - she provided me with the full on skins.
[15:28] Thora Charron: i dont need any explanation, u have only your concious to respond to i just represent my companys best interest and thus my memmo, we dont want any hard feelings and it was certainly not about marketing, i respect your side of things and i am just sad people in general, not only u like seeing things from a restricted and for them conveniente point of view, hope u do well in sl and recover from this unfortunate incident with your blog
[15:31] Tenshi Vielle: No, I felt that I had to respond to your attempt to accuse me of being childish and immature. This is not a case of being childish and immature, and I certainly do not appreciate the way you've treated me about this. If you were willing to just let it drop, you wouldn't have said anything nor called me those things. Thank you, but I will not be doing any business with your "company" any longer and I most certainly will not recommend it to anyone. Have a good night.
We close simply with, OOOOHH! BURN!