Saturday, August 18, 2007

Shame to Bloggers

Hello my fashionable, floundered following. As of late Giles and I have been reading the fashion feed to our utter despair. Bloggers morals need a serious head check. If you are reviewing something, then DO IT. We don't want to sit here and watch you take pretty pictures of yourself wearing shit and say NOTHING about it.

A review copy is not a gift. It is not a bribe to get you to look into some ones shop. If it’s awful then say so.

I cant help but see hundred of heinous items grace the feed and if its not poor products then it’s the level of blogging. Ana Lutetia is by far the worst criminal for this her pictures actually have no description, no critique, except a list of items used beneath it. Honestly... if I wanted to see hundreds of photos of her I would look at her flickr account. (She has a lovely flickr account.) We don’t need them cluttering up what should be insightful fashion news. Don’t get me wrong, though... she’s hardly the only one guilty. Just the first one that comes to mind. There's others - Assembly Challenged, Deux Looks... they don't review. Some of them simply claim to; what they're really doing is playing dollies and screaming, "Look. I'm hot. Aren't I hot? Am I hot? LOVE ME."

The relationship between Designers and Bloggers is symbiotic they both need each other but the blogging side should act as a form of assessment. Please try to stick to that.

Sitting on my morally fashionable cloud...


And the award goes to... my best friend!

Pierre and I were just wondering...

With hundreds of entrants and such wonderful photographs as Celestial Studios was claiming to have recieved... why did they pick one of their best friends (who has one of the most painfully plain photos) as a winner in their contest?

We're just wondering.

*no one is safe*

Friday, August 17, 2007

Welcome to The Rag.

Second Life's premier gossip blog - run by Pierre and Giles.
